Coffee Maker Review: DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300

Finding the perfect shot of espresso isn’t easy. Maybe there’s one cup you remember in particular that you haven’t been able to get again, either because you were out of town, or the cafe itself seems to put out an inconsistent taste.

The best thing about bringing an espresso maker home is that you have complete customization of taste and control of quality. Not only that, but you’ll be saving money in the long run.

So how do you go about picking one? Things to take into consideration are the level of customization allowed by each particular espresso maker, the special features, ease of use and overall performance.

The DeLonghi Magnifica excels in all of these categories, allowing you to start every day with a shot of espresso that’s as perfect as you’d like your day to be.

DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300

Simple in design and complex in the cup is the best way to describe the DeLonghi Magnifica. An intuitive, easy-to-use button interface ensures you’ll quickly learn how to use the machine without spending a bunch of time reading a boring manual.

DeLonghi’s patented Direct-to-Brew system with Thermo Block technology gives perfect heat distribution and the parts are easily detachable for quick cleaning. Beans are ground just before brewing, which ensures no oxidation of the coffee grounds for maximum freshness and optimal taste.

The DeLonghi Magnifica is also capable of creating the frothy milk needed to create perfect lattes and cappuccinos, making it a perfect option for families with varying tastes and preferences.

Patended Cappuccino System

The key feature of the DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 is the patented “Cappuccino System” frother that makes it possible to make cafe-quality lattes and cappuccinos. Though this espresso maker makes a high-quality espresso alone, it is best utilized for someone who enjoys a cream-infused drink. Simply pour milk into the pitcher and dip the frother just below the top of the milk and it will add steam for a fluffy cream.

The Magnifica switches very quickly between brewing and steaming due to the dual Thermo Block system for a time-saving drink creation.

Whole Bean Hopper+Grinder and Pre-Ground Slot

With Magnifica, you have the option to grind whole beans, which most people choose to do, or you can use pre-ground coffee from the store. Sometimes you’re in a pinch, and some pre-ground coffee will have to do — it’s better than nothing!

The hopper holds 7 ounces of beans and holds the grind adjuster that has 7 different grind settings from super-fine to coarse, which allows you to perfect the taste you want.

The grinder is a stainless steel professional-grade conical burr grinder. It’s capable of grinding any bean but works best on medium roast beans with relatively little visible oil.

Preference Programming

Once you’ve found your perfect cup of coffee, you can save your preferences and the machine will remember exactly how you made it. It will know your preferred strength, drink size and body.

Sleek and Efficient Design

This compact espresso maker was designed to match kitchen appliances with a more modern style. The double-spout design allows you to make two small cups at once, getting those drinks out to your friends and family quicker than before.


The DeLonghi Magnifica combines convenience and customization that ends in a seamless production of your favorite coffee-based drinks. This would be a perfect fit for anyone who is looking to save as much time as possible in the mornings or wants to be able to make more than one cup at a time.

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